Microsoft Dynamics

Technogen Inc. provides implementation capabilities for MS Dynamics 365.

With our seamless implementation of Azure, enterprises can create new web apps, APIs and services, host websites and mobile apps, store data, back up and data recovery, and deliver software on demand. We also help build a complete solution that includes Microsoft 365 tools, DevOps, help desk automation and cloud security management.

Through a deep understanding and expertise in the underlying technology, we work with enterprises to enhance business operations and sales through better marketing workflows. We also support businesses with the implementation of cognitive chatbots, collaborative tools (MS Teams & Sharepoint), and integrating business processes and apps.

Our services help enterprises configure business processes, build custom LOB apps & automation and build efficient workflows that allow seamless integration. Enterprises can gain actionable insights, predict downfalls, design and create interactive dashboards for discussions and generate reports using MS Dynamics 365.


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