
With technology developing rapidly, companies have to adapt and become technologically efficient. Only then, they can survive in the competitive business world. Also, the latest 2020 HR trends indicate that the task of Human Resource Managers will expand to include the adoption of new digital processes and selection of technological talent. Here are some HR trends that are expected in 2020 or will become the standard buzzwords in the HR industry.

  •  Work Flexibility

With more and more employees seeking flexible work options, HR managers have to make flexible work arrangements to suit contemporary lifestyles. Flexibility includes re-aligning how work is allotted and executed.

  • English will continue to dominate global businesses

During company mergers and acquisitions at an international level, English stays as the de facto language. With one in four people speaking English, the language is one of the most commonly spoken ones around the world. Besides, research studies indicate that when English became the standard language within companies, higher efficiency in business processes was perceived.

  • HR Chatbots

Companies are using Chatbots for a range of services in today’s times. They are being used to screen resumes, IT support, and customer service. Through 2020, companies are going to rely more on Chatbots, particularly to help employees through the onboarding process.

However, the challenge is to compile a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) into Chatbot sets. Through, companies can enjoy the benefits of Chatbots by allowing HR managers to shift their focus to higher productivity areas. As such, the robots can answer queries concerning compensation, benefits, retirement policies, among others.

  • Referrals will gain precedence

Using automated systems to search for eligible candidates is commonplace in HR departments nowadays. Applicant Tracker Systems are increasingly being used to screen applicants. Even so, hiring managers are going to shift to networking, from job boards, going forward. Well, this is because hiring through referrals was seen to be faster by over 50 percent as compared to candidates who came via career sites. Additionally, they stayed with companies longer.

  • The focus will be on Continuous Performance Management.

Earlier, organizations would conduct yearly performance reviews and raise the employee\’s salary accordingly. Though, nowadays, the trend is veering towards meetings between employees and managers on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Here, they discuss the progress of projects. Also, bottlenecks avoided as a result.

  • Healthcare Schemes

In addition to global companies leveraging corporate wellness programs, other companies have started following suit. The overall objective is to lure a talented workforce. Also, they are emerging with newer ways of streamlining the costly medical expenses.

Besides, companies that promoted employees’ health showed a lower percentage of absenteeism. Also, the employees displayed enhanced productivity and higher engagement.

  •  Universal Basic Income could be a reality

In 2020, people are going to be still contemplating whether universal basic income is a viable proposition. Also, experiments are being carried out throughout the world to test the possibility.

Under this scheme, the citizens of a country will give a basic sum of money periodically. Some critics opine that such measures would not give people an incentive to work. And others argue that poverty can eradicate by doing so.

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